Sunday 28 November 2010

Writelinkers is here!

Have had such fun editing this year's Christmas magazine with fellow eds, David Robinson and Trevor Belshaw. Writelinkers is the free-to-read e-zine with content written by members of Writelink, a great community of writers.

Jam-packed with festive delights, the 2010 issue includes flash fiction, nostalgic articles, humorous poetry, interviews and jokes.

Read it for free HERE


Unknown said...

Excellent piece, Mo, but I don't remember any Nostalic pieces. Is it some kind of religion?

Maureen said...

It's been a long day. lol

Bob Scotney said...

Well done, Mo. Of course it was nostalgic, even I used the word once - in the last paragraph I think. Editors don't publish you unless you keep to the 'rules.'