Many thanks to Susan Jones, aka suzy doodling for nominating me for The Versatile Blogger Award – am quite overcome.
But there is a downside. I’m told I now have to own up to 7 things you may not have known about me, so here they are.
• At one time I was the merchandise exec for the Robin of Sherwood fan club (the TV series starring Michael Praed et al) and got to meet many of the actors.
• I worked as a family history researcher for a number of years and undertook research for people connected to royalty as well as a major Wild West legend.
• I love thunderstorms and listening to the rain. I pretty much love the sound of any running water: fountains, waterfalls, flushing toilets (only two of those three examples are true).
• My ambition is to visit Egypt. I’ve always had a fascination with the place and have a tendency to surround myself with lots of Egyptiany type things.
• Reading: my favourite genre is crime – of the ‘cosy’ variety, probably because I enjoy solving puzzles. I’ve created one or two puzzles and quizzes too for blogs, a local publication and a children’s website. I’ve also come up with my own amateur sleuth who is going to be big. All I have to do is write the book.
• I used to design, make and sell Christening wear. I’ve also made several wedding dresses and numerous bridesmaids’ dresses.
• I love chocolate, dates, condensed milk and bananas. Separately or together.
And now, in the tradition of these awards, I offer you the chance of visiting some great blogs - all worthy of a closer look. They’re packed with humour, fiction and interesting information and I hope their creators accept The Versatile Blogger Award baton without dropping it. I was always utter rubbish at relay racing.
Lorraine Mace
Suzi Williams
Mandy James
Trish Nicholson
David Robinson
Trevor Belshaw
Hi Maureen,
An unusual mixture of things here, I also love condensed milk, and banoffee pie. We share the cosy crime liking as well. Looking forward to hearing from your hero/heroine. Thanks for sharing your list of seven, will take a look at your nominated blogs over the next couple of days.
When you mentioned your amateur sleuth, I imagined all your seven points combining in him or her, so (s)he sees themself as a Robin Hood character, thinks best when near water or when it's raining or when they're snacking on choc, dates and bananas washed down by condensed milk. They put together family histories of their murder victims and suspects and have Egyptian artefacts all around their house.
As PA to the squirrel, I am very happy to accept Squizzey's blog award - he's so excited that he's still scampering around here somewhere! - and he would like to thank you very much for it. (He also thinks you should add some nuts to your snack menu...)
You been reading my ideas notebook, Kath? :-/
So pleased Squizzey is accepting the award! And thanks, Sue, Kath and Squizzey for dropping by. x
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